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BIG Love for Comedy Bingo

1 November 2023

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In November and December, Southport Market is set to host four exciting Comedy Bingo Winter Socials, courtesy of Big Comedy UK. These events provide a delightful and cost-effective opportunity for individuals of all ages to have a fantastic time and forge new connections. The Halliwell Jones MINI Big Love campaign is proudly sponsoring these gatherings.

Make sure to mark your calendar for these Southport Market events:

  • Wednesday, November 1st, 2023
  • Wednesday, November 15th, 2023
  • Wednesday, November 29th, 2023
  • Wednesday, December 13th, 2023
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The doors of Southport Market, located on King Street in Southport town centre, will open at 1 pm, with the shows kicking off at 1:30 pm and concluding at 3:30 pm. For a mere £3, your ticket not only grants you access but also includes all the bingo cards you'll need, along with a complimentary cup of tea, coffee, wine, or lager.

Big Comedy UK and Southport Comedy Festival Director Brendan Riley, aims to unite people and combat feelings of isolation during the chilly winter months with these events. To secure your spot, you can book tickets through Skiddle or the Big Comedy website at www.bigcomedyuk.com. Additionally, tickets can be purchased on the event day, subject to availability. If you have any questions or wish to book for a group, you can contact Brendan at 07770591625.

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Brendan expressed his enthusiasm, stating, “we’re really looking forward to welcoming people to our new comedy bingo winter socials at southport market this november and december! We’d like to thank halliwell jones mini and their big love campaign for making these events possible. Winter can be a tough and lonely time for people with the weather getting colder and the nights getting darker. We wanted to put smiles on people’s faces by creating really relaxed, enjoyable, fun events where people can come down on their own, with babies or kids, with friends, as part of groups.

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